Blog 1 - Hire an Illustrator

After looking through several different artists and finding several pieces that I liked very much, I decided on this piece called Migration Season by Sam White. The artwork itself is beautiful and thought-provoking, and I found myself wondering what the migration patterns of sky whales must look like. Sam is a digital artist that works primarily in photoshop. He has a deep fondness for the surreal and pulls ideas from the fantasy genre.
  After looking through Sam's art, I chose this picture for several reasons. First, I love the color pallet of the piece. I enjoy using darker tones with good points of contrast, and I think that is done very well in this digital painting. Second, I love the style of art with its mix of realism and surrealism. The natural elements of the landscape are parts of the painting that you could find in nature. The whales are also real creatures but with a fun and surreal twist. Third and finally, I love the story that this artwork tells. As you look at the painting, you can't help but wonder what a world filled with flying whales must look like.


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