Blog 2 – Dreams

What is the nature of dreams?

I believe the nature of dreams is to reveal or help filter through the thoughts of the conscious mind. Dreams can either give clarity or cause confusion because dreams are a product of the unconscious parts of our brain at work. Sometimes dreams bring clarity because they orient the chaotic thoughts that our conscious mind can’t entirely compile properly. However, at other times dreams seem to do the opposite and give us images and emotions that are difficult for the waking mind to comprehend.

Do you believe in coincidence?

I believe in coincidence in the sense that people can experience unexplainable and related phenomena. However, I also believe there to be some created order to the universe, which allows for seemingly random but associated events to occur in a purposeful and planned timeline. As people, we don’t see the world this way, and so we call what we can’t explain coincidence.

How is memory like a dream?

Memory is like a dream because it only lives within the confines of the brain. Memory is merely a reflection of a person’s perception of a particular event in time. In the same way, dreams are reflections of the unconscious. Both memory and dreams also have to be interpreted because they are themselves composed of ideas and thoughts that are specific to the person who is experiencing the memory or dream. Also, both dreams and memories can confuse or enlighten a person depending on how the memory or dream is brought to the conscious mind.


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