Blog 3 - The Impact of Photoshop

     Photoshop has had an incredible impact on photography, art, and even our shared social norms. Photoshop is used as a powerful photo manipulation tool and can be used to simply touch up photos or create new and impossible pieces of art. This ability to manipulate what we see has had profound impacts on what people see as normal or even real. What was thought of as impossible suddenly seems more attainable, and the idea of perfection can be realized through pixel manipulation. Because of this, society's concepts and standards of beauty have drastically changed, and we are regularly shown a reality that isn't attainable.
     The three articles cover these topics thoroughly. The first article specifically covers how photoshop has changed our societal perspectives. It talks about the effect that photoshop has had on how we view ourselves and how photoshop has changed the art world. The second article talks specifically about the impacts of photoshop on the human psyche. Photoshop allows people to see the perfected versions of themselves. This perfection of the human ideal has had profound psychological effects on how people view themselves. The third article covers these ideas with even more depth. The article states that over the twenty-five years that photoshop has been in use, we have seen a shift in how we view reality. We see movie stars, musicians, and models as these almost perfected versions of people. The article also talks about how photoshop has made it easy to fool people into a particular viewpoint. We can now manipulate photos to tell the stories that we want to tell.
        Photoshop is a powerful tool, and it can be used for great or terrible purposes. The tool itself is not to blame; instead, we should be mindful of how we use the tools that we have been given.


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